The most effective Meeting Note Template. Ever.

Most people don't enjoy taking notes at meetings.

But it doesn't have to be painful. Β Great meeting notes can be used to establish rapport, and is the centre-piece of an effective meeting.

And I'll let you in on a little secret...

It's a great way to show initiative, leadership (shhhh... as the note taker, you can guide the meeting) and get some awesome kudos from your team.


So here's an lightweight template I use for all my meetings...

The Meeting Note Template

Template in Google Doc, feel free to Clone!


Some Tips

  • Start Actions with who is responsible e.g. Tom: to clean up all the mouse traps
  • Attach a Due Date to each Action
  • You may want to elaborate your Decisions into your internal wiki, or your product specs.
  • Action points can go directly into Trello etc (Tools like Notion and Quip, make it easy to go from Meeting Notes to list of trackable to-dos for later) ✌️


p.s. love Tom & Jerry like we do? Check out the Tom & Jerry Rewind: